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  • In the Festsaal of the Munich Hofbräuhaus the twenty-five theses of the new party's program were submitted to a crowd of almost two thousand and every single point was accepted amid jubilant approval.

    Mein Kampf Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945 1925

  • In this period the Festsaal of the Munich Hofbräuhaus assumed an almost sacred significance for us National Socialists.

    Mein Kampf Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945 1925

  • Herr Brechenmacher's colleagues greeted him with acclamation as he entered the door of the Festsaal, and the Frau straightened her brooch and folded her hands, assuming the air of dignity becoming to the wife of a postman and the mother of five children.

    In a German Pension Katherine Mansfield 1905


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