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  • "The country still operates on the Forint, meaning big value for travelers."

    Eight Countries Where The Dollar Goes Furthest Zack O'Malley Greenburg 2010

  • More Heard on the Street: Headed for a Showdown Forint Sinks to Record Low Against Euro Hungary Bank Law Spooks Investors Opinion: Hungary's Reboot Faced with rising borrowing costs—partly a knock-on effect from debt scares in Greece, Italy and others in the euro zone—and declining growth, as Hungary's main export markets in the euro zone falter, the country decided in November to seek financial backing from the EU and IMF.

    Hungary Standoff Spurs Currency's Fall Gordon Fairclough 2012

  • Forint weakness threatens to impose further losses on European banks, raising systemic risks.

    Hungary Faces Constitutional Crunch Richard Barley 2012

  • Zloty, Forint Benefit Central and Eastern European currencies that have been under pressure for months also benefited from the Swiss central bank's intervention.

    Switzerland Steps In to Set Franc Ceiling 2009

  • These are Forint and it took nearly 4000 of them for the four of us to have subway sandwiches.

    Budapest Sissie 2008

  • These are Forint and it took nearly 4000 of them for the four of us to have subway sandwiches.

    Archive 2008-10-01 Sissie 2008

  • Austria - due to the Ungarian goverment's decision to revoke private contracts and dictate a Forint/CHF rate, her banks may be under more pressure than yet admitted?

    The Economist: Daily news and views 2011

  • Our margins were positively impacted by a more profitable product mix, higher utilization of our production capacity, better operational performance, lower raw material costs and the decline in the values of the Hungarian Forint and Mexican Peso.

    Reuters: Press Release 2012

  • Hungarian Forint (HUF) weakened after Moody's placed Hungary's sovereign rating under review for a possible downgrade. 2010

  • Forint gains on easing fears investors, but caution is warranted 2010


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