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  • In the original text of 'Fortschritt', the relevant line reads:


  • Max Stirner ˜Einziger™ und der Fortschritt des demokratischen Selbstbewußtseins vom Vormärz bis zur Bundesrepublik

    Max Stirner Leopold, David 2006

  • K. Thraede, “Fortschritt,” Reallexikon für Antike und

    Dictionary of the History of Ideas THOMAS COLE 1968

  • Doctor Schell's book, Catholicismus und Fortschritt, was a plea on behalf of the Catholic Universities of Bavaria against the Jesuit seminaries which threatened to supplant them; and he had shown with striking clearness the disastrous results which the gradual narrowing of Catholic education had had on the Catholic culture of Bavaria.

    Writer's Recollections Ward, Mrs Humphry 1918

  • Conservativen, or Free Conservatives; from the Fortschritt, the

    The Governments of Europe Frederic Austin Ogg 1914

  • The larger portion of the party members, however were willing to subordinate for a time to Bismarck's nationalizing projects the contest which the united Fortschritt had long been waging in behalf of constitutionalism.

    The Governments of Europe Frederic Austin Ogg 1914

  • Fortschritt, refused to abandon its opposition to militarism and monarchism, opposed the constitution of 1867 for its illiberality, and withheld from Bismarck's government all substantial support.

    The Governments of Europe Frederic Austin Ogg 1914

  • Conservatives and the Fortschritt, or Progressives, of which the one comprised, throughout the middle portion of the nineteenth century, the supporters of the Government and the other its opponents.

    The Governments of Europe Frederic Austin Ogg 1914

  • In 1865 he moved to Bern where he founded the radical journal, Der Fortschritt [Progress], which was also published in French under the title Progrès; in

    Élie Ducommun - Biography 1902

  • Die Darstellung des Fortschrittes gemacht von einer Rasse während fünfundzwanzigjähriger Freiheit, gegenüber dem einer zweihundertundfünfzigjährigen Sklaverei, würde den besten Beweis für die Große, und den Fortschritt Amerika's geliefert haben.

    The Reason Why the Colored American is not in the World's Columbian Exposition: The Afro-American's Contribution to Columbian Literature 1893


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