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  • Furthermore, this exceptional gathering is taking place in Dresden, a city with a long and rich history, known to host many monuments such as the "Frauenkirche" Church, a city that encourages culture and arts and that is proud of its impressive achievements through the years.

    Susan Polgar Chess Daily News and Information 2008

  • Furthermore, this exceptional gathering is taking place in Dresden, a city with a long and rich history, known to host many monuments such as the "Frauenkirche" Church, a city that encourages culture and arts and that is proud of its impressive achievements through the years.

    Susan Polgar Chess Daily News and Information 2008

  • The sanctuary is a replica of a chapel in Seiffen, Germany, which itself is modeled after the Frauenkirche, a Lutheran cathedral in Dresden.

    American Grace Robert D. Putnam 2010

  • Meanwhile, in Munich, two downtown rooftop terraces atop luxury hotels offer picturesque views of the city's Frauenkirche cathedral against a backdrop of the distant Alps.

    Rooftop Terraces Are Raising the Bar Rhea Wessel 2011

  • Gavin SellarLondon• One of the finest rebuilds that Simon Jenkins might have mentioned Restoring Christchurch's bell tower is a first step to easing the city's trauma, 25 February must be the Frauenkirche in Dresden, a stunning baroque church, not in this case needed after an earthquake, but after allied bombing.

    Letters: Hacked off 2011

  • Unfortunately (from my point of view at least) the Frauenkirche in Dresden is being rebuilt; as a ruin it was very strongly symbolic while now it is only a church, and not a particularly interesting one from an artistic or architectural point of view.

    Meep! Meep! : Bev Vincent 2009

  • Indeed it was Augustus who had the famous Frauenkirche commissioned to show he was adamant about protecting protestantism - whilst at the same time building himself a Catholic cathedral next door to the palace.

    Come out Guy Fawkes, from wherever you've been hiding for 404 years... O'Neill 2009

  • In one hour: Visit what is probably the finest symbol of Dresden's reconstruction, the Church of Our Lady Frauenkirche, which escaped being hit by the wartime bombs but collapsed when the sandstone from which it is constructed cracked as it cooled down from the heat generated by the firebombing.

    Rebuilt Dresden Offers Guests History, Charm Jeff Mills 2011

  • Best gift to take home: For something different, Check out the shop in the Frauenkirche for unusual Christmas ornaments.

    Rebuilt Dresden Offers Guests History, Charm Jeff Mills 2011

  • The historic city center was reconstructed at great expense, including the Frauenkirche, or Church of our Lady, the city's Baroque-style Lutheran cathedral, which was re-consecrated in 2005.

    ARTINFO: Daniel Libeskind's German War Museum Rumbles to Its Finish, With an Arrow in Its Heart 2010


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