
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun birdwatching The general look of a bird.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Seemingly an initialism of general impression size and shape.


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  • Note that the function read.giss is handy for downloading GISS data in a usable form.

    Hansen Step 1 « Climate Audit 2007

  • The explanation: Obviously, the GISS is doing some sort of averaging, which is bringing the Grand Canyon and Tucson from each end closer to a mean.

    Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Example of Climate Work That Needs to be Checked and Replicated 2009

  • GISSTEMP - often called GISS - Goddard Institute for Space Studies surface temperature record.

    Archive 2008-01-01 EliRabett 2008

  • There is one other thing to note amid all this focus on NASA and particularly GISS, which is a somewhat-independent research shop within NASA…:

    Revkin on the Hansen Fiasco « Climate Audit 2007

  • There is one other thing to note amid all this focus on NASA and particularly GISS, which is a somewhat-independent research shop within NASA…

    Revkin on the Hansen Fiasco « Climate Audit 2007

  • Sadly, the reason for made up words such as GISS might simply be that some even rather famous book writers have not done enough proper research or had enough wide ranging experience.

    Gestalt at 70 MPH John L. Trapp 2006

  • But then which version, the GISS which is the hottest, or one of the British ones which show considerably less warming and are almost in agreement with the satellite?

    Earth's climate crashes in 2013 « Climate Audit 2006

  • Since that request, staff has become aware of three separate but related FOIA requests made to NASA and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies ( "GISS").

    Media Newswire 2009

  • Forgive me if this is woefully ignorant, but isn't your link to 'GISS' data actually NCDC

    RealClimate 2009

  • I doubt that GISS will post their numbers until mid week so I will extend the deadline to enter the contest to midnight on the 14th.

    Archive 2009-12-01 2009


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