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  • Sithonio regi ferus interceperat illam 25 hostis, et ereptas uictor habebat opes, donec fluminea deuecta Vitellius unda intulit exposito milite signa Getis. at tibi, progenies alti fortissima Donni, uenit in aduersos impetus ire uiros; 30 nec mora: conspicuus longe fulgentibus armis fortia ne possint facta latere caues, ingentique gradu contra ferrumque locumque saxaque brumali grandine plura subis. nec te missa super iaculorum turba moratur, 35 nec quae uipereo tela cruore madent:

    The Last Poems of Ovid 43 BC-18? Ovid

  • Quod legis, o uates magnorum maxime regum, uenit ab intonsis usque, Seuere, Getis; cuius adhuc nomen nostros tacuisse libellos, si modo permittis dicere uera, pudet. orba tamen numeris cessauit epistula numquam 5 ire per alternas officiosa uices; carmina sola tibi memorem testantia curam non data sunt -- quid enim quae facis ipse darem? quis mel Aristaeo, quis Baccho uina Falerna,

    The Last Poems of Ovid 43 BC-18? Ovid

  • Theodebert entirely routed the enemy, and took back their plunder, killing their chief, the Chlochilaicus of Gregory, the Huiglaucus "qui imperavit Getis, et a Francis occisus est" of an old "Liber monstrorum," the Higelac of our poem.

    A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance Jean Jules Jusserand

  • Orpheus Eurydicen sequi, cantus praemia perdidit: quae nata est iterum perit. tunc, solamina cantibus quaerens, flebilibus modis60 haec Orpheus cecinit Getis:

    The Saying of Orphens 1912

  • Getis said she didn't think enough instructors knew about them or the support that is offered in getting started.

    The Lantern RSS 2010

  • Getis said she didn't think enough instructors knew about them or the support that is offered in getting started.

    The Lantern RSS 2010

  • Despite OSU standardizing the software, Getis and McMillen agree that they remain under-utilized on campus.

    The Lantern RSS 2010

  • Getis predicts that if more classrooms adopted the clicker technology, "that you would not see an instructor standing at the front of the classroom lecturing for the entire class period with no interaction from the students; that you would see students involved, engaged, giving feedback, working together."

    The Lantern RSS 2010

  • For instructors, learning how to ask the right kinds of questions for students with clickers is key, Getis said.

    The Lantern RSS 2010

  • Getis predicts that if more classrooms adopted the clicker technology, "that you would not see an instructor standing at the front of the classroom lecturing for the entire class period with no interaction from the students; that you would see students involved, engaged, giving feedback, working together."

    The Lantern RSS 2010


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