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  • Astronomers say that Gleise 581g is a few dozen lightyears away from earth, so we can figure that if beings actually do live on that planet they are just about to watch their first episode of "I Love Lucy."

    Wes Nisker: Just Another Planet Wes Nisker 2011

  • Astronomers say that Gleise 581g is a few dozen lightyears away from earth, so we can figure that if beings actually do live on that planet they are just about to watch their first episode of "I Love Lucy."

    Wes Nisker: Just Another Planet Wes Nisker 2011

  • Astronomers say that Gleise 581g is a few dozen lightyears away from earth, so we can figure that if beings actually do live on that planet they are just about to watch their first episode of "I Love Lucy."

    Wes Nisker: Just Another Planet Wes Nisker 2011

  • Astronomers say that Gleise 581g is a few dozen lightyears away from earth, so we can figure that if beings actually do live on that planet they are just about to watch their first episode of "I Love Lucy."

    Wes Nisker: Just Another Planet Wes Nisker 2011

  • Astronomers say that Gleise 581g is a few dozen lightyears away from earth, so we can figure that if beings actually do live on that planet they are just about to watch their first episode of "I Love Lucy."

    The Full Feed from Wes Nisker 2011


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