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  • The piece is one of the three Sea Plays – sometimes known as the Glencairn Plays – being staged in Waterlooo's atmospheric Old Vic Tunnels, revealing the conflict between sea-faring camaraderie and the longing for home.

    This week's new theatre and dance 2012

  • When complete, the former Grange Nursing Home on Chalmers Crescent - to be known as Glencairn Tower in recognition of the original name of the building when it was built in 1877 - will feature a hotel-style lobby.

    unknown title 2008

  • One month after the hearing, McCain met with the head of Glencairn, Eddie Edwards.

    Once a Senator, Never a Saint - Swampland - 2008

  • A champion of deregulation, Mr. McCain wrote letters in 1998 and 1999 to the Federal Communications Commission urging it to uphold marketing agreements allowing a television company to control two stations in the same city, a crucial issue for Glencairn Ltd., one of Ms. Iseman's clients.

    The McCain Story - Swampland - 2008

  • Two of those companies were Glencairn and Paxson Communications, which had hired Hector Alcalde to represent them before McCain, with apparently good results.

    Once a Senator, Never a Saint - Swampland - 2008

  • A number of Master Blenders at major scotch distilleries agreed with Davidson, and in the past decade, the Glencairn glass has become a standard for tasters within the industry.

    Spirits: I'll tumble 4 ya 2010

  • On July 20, 1999, Senator McCain met with Eddie Edwards, the head of Glencairn, regarding LMAs and minority media ownership issues.

    McCain Camp Denies Any Unethical Conduct 2009

  • No representative of Glencairn or Alcalde and Fay, met with Senator McCain in 1998 to discuss the issue of local marketing agreements (LMAs).

    McCain Camp Denies Any Unethical Conduct 2009

  • The media also pointed out that McCain weighed in on behalf of Glencairn Ltd, a client of one of his lobbyist friends, to urge the FCC to abandon efforts to close a loophole that was “vitally important” to Glencairn business.

    McCain Stiffs U.S. Workers, Helps Europeans Win Air Tanker Deal 2008

  • Glencairn has a new CEO in Peter Tagliamonte, and he has a good reputation and excellent track record.

    Mexican Land And Canadian Gold 2006


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