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  • Before the discovery, the oldest-known structural remains had been found at two sites near Nice, France -- those of a 380,000 to 450,000-year-old wooden hut containing a hearth at Terra Amata and a 400,000 to 500,000-year-old tentlike structure in a cave known as Grotte du Lazaret.

    This Old House 2000

  • Tufa may be found used in many existing monuments of ancient Rome, such as the drains of the middle and southern basin of the left bank, the channels and arches of the Marcia and Anio Vetus, the Servian walls, the temples of Fortuna Virilis, of Hercules Magnus Custos, the Rostra, the embankment of the Tiber, etc. The largest and most magnificent quarries in the suburban district are the so-called Grotte della Cervara.

    Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 7 Italy, Sicily, and Greece (Part One) Various 1885

  • At the northern end of the village of Fossa there is the 13th century Church of Santa Maria delle Grotte or ad Cryptas, with an austere exterior, and which has two fresco cycles amongst the oldest and best preserved of the Abruzzo Middle Ages.

    Archive 2009-04-01 2009

  • Another arrowhead is known from the vertebra of a child buried in the Grotte des Enfants, on the Italian coast, dating, like San Teodoro, to around 13,000 years ago.

    Palaeolithic Archers? 1997

  • S.E. from the Ardoisière by the valley of the Suhan and the village of Arronnes is Ferrières, with, in the neighbourhood, the ruins of the old feudal castle of Mont Gilbert, the Roc St. Vincent, the Pierre-Encise, the Grotte des Fées, and the Puy-Montoncel.

    The South of France—East Half C. B. Black

  • It is said they sang the song called the "Grotte Song," and before they ended it they ground out a host against Frode, so that on the same night there came the Sea-King whose name was Mysing and slew

    From John O'Groats to Land's End Robert Naylor

  • The superstition which cleaves to these relics of a forgotten antiquity, stamps itself in the names given to many of them by the peasantry: -- _Grotte aux fées_,

    Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844 Various

  • Mysing took with him Grotte and also Fenja and Menja and bade them grind salt, and in the middle of the night they asked Mysing whether he did not have salt enough.

    From John O'Groats to Land's End Robert Naylor

  • Grotte des Sources, a cave in basalt, whence gush forth sundry springs of crystal water.

    The South of France—East Half C. B. Black

  • From the “Grotte” up to the 8th kilomètre stone the ravine becomes so narrow that there is barely room between the high cliffs for the road and the stream.

    The South of France—East Half C. B. Black


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