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  • The photo that appeared on the Arts page on Tuesday with an article about the Harriet Tubman trio should have been credited to Michael Halsband.

    Corrections & Amplifications 2011

  • Michael Halsband Richard Gibson The Innovators of 2011 To photograph our inaugural Innovators of the Year issue, spearheaded by deputy editor Michael Caruso, we turned to Ralph Gibson, whose images are featured in more than 150 museum collections world-wide and whose prominent role in the history of modern photography ranks him alongside the innovators we chose to honor.

    Contributors: November 2011 2011

  • Over one of the booths is the now iconic Halsband photo of Jean-Michel and Warhol posed as prizefighters: feisty outsiders who both slugged their way to art world fame.

    John Seed: Driving Mr. Basquiat 2010

  • Over one of the booths is the now iconic Halsband photo of Jean-Michel and Warhol posed as prizefighters: feisty outsiders who both slugged their way to art world fame.

    John Seed: Driving Mr. Basquiat 2010

  • "Congreve makes his first appearance in 1803" (Halsband and Grundy 235-5).

    Prose and Poetry of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu 1709

  • L'Homme qui ne se trouve point, et ne se trouvera jamais: From St. Everemond, writing on the ideal woman [Euvres en prose, 1962-9, 2.46] (Halsband and Grundy, 234).

    Prose and Poetry of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu 1709

  • Probably daughter, and daughter of the King as well (Halsband and Grundy 92).

    Prose and Poetry of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu 1709

  • -- B. Sonicas: Any card which produces an immediate effect (Halsband 67).

    Prose and Poetry of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu 1709

  • -- B. James Stanhope had been implicated in the English defeat at Almanza and also later captured and imprisoned (Halsband and Grundy 86).

    Prose and Poetry of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu 1709

  • -- B. Tickell and Madame Dacier on Homer were criticized by Pope, Swift attacked the Spectator, and Pope attacked Addison under the name of Atticus (Halsband and Grundy 249).

    Prose and Poetry of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu 1709


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