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  • Or when Sanae "gave away" Natsuki to Kenji via Hanafuda before passing away shortly after the next morning.

    Anime Nano! 2010

  • (Fun fact: the toy sold over one million units, making it one of Nintendo's first big hits since the company started to expand its business beyond Hanafuda cards.)

    Nintendo Life | Latest Updates 2010

  • That's not to say special moves have been removed entirely; for example, the sadistic Genjuro still has four motion specials including his classic Hanafuda slashes and Shoryuken-style uppercut.

    Eurogamer 2010

  • That's not to say special moves have been removed entirely; for example, the sadistic Genjuro still has four motion specials including his classic Hanafuda slashes and Shoryuken-style uppercut.

    Eurogamer 2010

  • Outside of keeping their Hanafuda card production going for the sake of history, that's all they do.

    Ars Technica 2010

  • Brian: They still make Hanafuda cards, and from what I've heard, they're still great quality.

    The Tanooki 2009

  • Actually, I'd kind of like to see an anime series about playing Hanafuda, largely because it might actually result in me finally managing to learn how to play that damn game. Antenna 2009

  • I can see immediate real (well, video-gaming) applications to learning how to play Hanafuda. Antenna 2009

  • There are games that use the 52 card International Pattern deck, games for the 78 card Tarock deck, eight and ten suit Ganjifa games, Hanafuda games, Matrix games, Mahjongg games, and games for an original hexadecimal-based deck.

    LXer Linux News 2008

  • There's a lot of small hints of those around the movie, for example how people are still having less time for their families despite having OZ which supposedly supports virtual workplaces, how systems still go haywire and require real people to attend to them, how Sanae's phone is still a rotary model and she manages to solve the crisis over Japan singlehandedly, how Kazuma inserts a subtle jab about LCD's having slow response times and asks for a CRT instead and finally how the showdown at the end was done with Hanafuda.

    Anime Nano! 2010


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