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  • There was air in the corrugated gangway that led from Mar - cus Garvey's aft lock to the midbay lock of the yacht called Haniwa, but they kept their suits sealed.

    Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth Boudreau Freret 2010

  • There was air in the corrugated gangway that led from Mar - cus Garvey's aft lock to the midbay lock of the yacht called Haniwa, but they kept their suits sealed.

    Neuromancer Gibson, William, 1948- 1984

  • On the smaller screen, Haniwa lowered her bow to miss the curve of the spindle and was snared.

    Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth Boudreau Freret 2010

  • The gangway tube the dock had extended was a more elab - orate version of the one he'd tumbled through to reach Haniwa, designed for use in the spindle's rotation gravity.

    Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth Boudreau Freret 2010

  • Then Haniwa thudded, once, shivered as if some huge soft thing had struck her hull.

    Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth Boudreau Freret 2010

  • Straylight extruded a tentative yellow rectangle that curved, groping past Haniwa for Garvey.

    Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth Boudreau Freret 2010

  • Haniwa was a product of the Dornier-Fujitsu yards, her interior informed by a design philosophy similar to the one that had produced the Mercedes that had chauffeured them through Istanbul.

    Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth Boudreau Freret 2010

  • To the left, a smaller screen displayed a skeletal graphic of Garvey and Haniwa as they approached the curvature of the spindle.

    Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth Boudreau Freret 2010

  • The round segment of gray hull began to withdraw into the side of Haniwa.

    Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth Boudreau Freret 2010

  • The gangway had snaked its way around Haniwa; it was horizontal, where it joined Garvey 's lock, but curved up sharply and to the left, a vertical climb around the curvature of the yacht's hull.

    Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth Boudreau Freret 2010


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