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  • These two generative substances, the sperm and the egg, are either produced by one and the same individual hermaphrodite (Hermaphroditismus) or by two different individuals (sexual-separation).

    The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria W. Scott-Elliot

  • [66] Neugebauer, _Hermaphroditismus beim Menschen_

    The Sexual Life of the Child Albert Moll 1900

  • Hermaphroditism (the reality of which has only of late been recognized and is still disputed) and pseudohermaphroditism; in their physical variations are fully dealt with in the great work, richly illustrated, _Hermaphroditismus beim Menschen_, by F.L. von Neugebauer, of Warsaw.

    Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 Sexual Inversion Havelock Ellis 1899

  • (Taruffi, Hermaphroditismus und Zeugungsunfähigkeit, German edit. by R. Teuscher, 1903), and the works of Neugebauer in many volumes of the

    Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex Sigmund Freud 1897


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