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  • If the storm surge happens to synchronize with a high tide (Hochwasser), it causes beach erosion (Auswaschung) and significant inland flooding.

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows HarveyUtech 2009

  • One is of the Rhein at Hochwasser, high water: floods swirl across the meadow between the river’s bed and the dike, uprooting unsteady trees and cleansing the winter’s debris from the meadows and clumps of trees.

    Floating in My Mother’s Palm Ursula Hegi 1990

  • One is of the Rhein at Hochwasser, high water: floods swirl across the meadow between the river’s bed and the dike, uprooting unsteady trees and cleansing the winter’s debris from the meadows and clumps of trees.

    Floating in My Mother’s Palm Ursula Hegi 1990


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