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  • "Instinkt" appears to be one of the absolute potential hits of

    Side-Line news feed 2009

  • The Danish quintet Instinkt first came to my attention when their debut CD HUR! came out in 2002.

    Instinkt, Grum (Go, 2006) smg58 2007

  • Like other New Nordic folk bands such as Hedningarna and Gjallarhorn, Instinkt incorporates rock influences into their sound to bring out some of the more primal elements of the traditional music of their homeland.

    Instinkt, Grum (Go, 2006) smg58 2007

  • Last year Instinkt re-emerged with their sophomore effort Grum.

    Instinkt, Grum (Go, 2006) smg58 2007

  • To have to recognize that a deep love—and not only a sexual love—was an error, a failure of intuition Instinkt, so compromises us before ourselves, so splits the security and unity of our self-conception, that we unavoidably make the object of this intolerable feeling pay for it.

    Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations Georg Simmel 1956

  • To have to recognize that a deep love—and not only a sexual love—was an error, a failure of intuition Instinkt, so compromises us before ourselves, so splits the security and unity of our self-conception, that we unavoidably make the object of this intolerable feeling pay for it.

    Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations Georg Simmel 1956

  • To have to recognize that a deep love—and not only a sexual love—was an error, a failure of intuition Instinkt, so compromises us before ourselves, so splits the security and unity of our self-conception, that we unavoidably make the object of this intolerable feeling pay for it.

    Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations Georg Simmel 1956

  • Feigheit vor der Realität, die auch die Feigheit vor der Wahrheit ist, aus ihrer bei ihnen Instinkt gewordenen Unwahrhaftigkeit, aus »Idealismus«.

    Harper's Magazine 2010


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