
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun A patronymic surname.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Variant of Evans.


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  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Bruce Ivins: Tales of Addiction, Anxiety, Ranting'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Last fall, FBI agents showed Ivins\' 24-year-old daughter pictures of victims who died and told her, "Your father did this."

    OpEdNews - Quicklink: Bruce Ivins: Tales of Addiction, Anxiety, Ranting 2008

  • IVINS - Earth moving for the Ivins animal shelter started Wednesday with plans to gut the - Local News 2009

  • frederick news post column proclaims ivins 'innocence from 9 / 11 blogger: Terrific column in the Frederick News-Post today about the flimsiness of the govt case against Ivins.

    media monarchy 2008

  • Marsha Ivins is the best of what NASA has to offer, I've seen that up close and consistently!

    Upcoming Awards at JSC: Marsha Ivins - NASA Watch 2007

  • Kissin and writer Sheila Casey thread this information together in a recently published article in the Rock Creek Free Press (pdf), to conclude that the case against Ivins is nothing but a flimsy cover-up of the secret workings of these anthrax weaponization projects.

    wicked old world 2008

  • Kissin and writer Sheila Casey thread this information together in a recently published article in the Rock Creek Free Press (pdf), to conclude that the case against Ivins is nothing but a flimsy cover-up of the secret workings of these anthrax weaponization projects.

    30 « August « 2008 « Niqnaq 2008

  • Claiming that Molly Ivins is a friend of treason is an abuse of the term to such a degree, it would be comical, if Coulter wasn't on TV selling her book.

    Archive 2007-06-01 2007

  • Claiming that Molly Ivins is a friend of treason is an abuse of the term to such a degree, it would be comical, if Coulter wasn't on TV selling her book.

    Easter Lemming Liberal News 2007

  • Molly Ivins Tribute by Molly Ivins on Creators. com - A Syndicate Of Talent: Goodbye, Molly I. Molly Ivins is gone, and her words will never grace these pages again -- for this, we will mourn.

    Archive 2007-01-28 Bill Crider 2007

  • It was a clarion call to every American to do away with the current corrupt system, and was the impetus for my "I Am Molly" article, which urged readers to take the political system back from the "greedheads", a term Ivins coined, and fight for clean elections systems across the country.

    We Are All Molly 2007


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