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  • At the 6th session of the Indo-UK Joint Economic and Trade Commission (JETCO) in London on Thursday, the two countries agreed on the need to improve market access for both goods and services.

    Domain-b Brand Dossier 2010

  • At the 6th session of the Indo-UK Joint Economic and Trade Commission (JETCO) in London on Thursday, the two countries agreed on the need to improve market access for both goods and services.

    Domain-b Brand Dossier 2010

  • The JETCO session was attended by commerce and industry minister Anand Sharma and UK's secretary of state for business, innovation and skills, Peter Mandelson.

    Domain-b Brand Dossier 2010

  • The JETCO session was attended by commerce and industry minister Anand Sharma and UK's secretary of state for business, innovation and skills, Peter Mandelson.

    Domain-b Brand Dossier 2010


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