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  • René Jagt, 37, a former private in the Dutch army who was at Srebrenica and had travelled from Lelystad, an hour away, to witness Mladic's arrival, fiddled nervously with his camera as the crowd waited for Mladic to finally enter custody.

    Ratko Mladic arrival in Holland draws crowds to sleepy seaside town 2011

  • Three congressional friends from Michigan—Guy Vander Jagt, Carl Pursell, and Fred Upton—also were on board, and they warned George he could expect some protests during his speech.

    Barbara Bush Barbara Bush 2005

  • The keynote address at the convention was to be given by our dear friend Guy Vander Jagt.

    Barbara Bush Barbara Bush 2005

  • The keynote address at the convention was to be given by our dear friend Guy Vander Jagt.

    Barbara Bush Barbara Bush 2005

  • Three congressional friends from Michigan—Guy Vander Jagt, Carl Pursell, and Fred Upton—also were on board, and they warned George he could expect some protests during his speech.

    Barbara Bush Barbara Bush 2005

  • Jagt was among veterans who came out to see the former fugitive Mladic's arrival at prison this week.

    The Guardian World News Robert Booth 2011

  • Rene Jagt, a 37-year-old veteran of the 400-strong Dutch corp, was one of the many UN peacekeepers taken hostage by Mladic's forces.

    The Guardian World News Robert Booth 2011

  • Jagt was among veterans who came out to see the former fugitive Mladic's arrival at prison this week.

    The Guardian World News Robert Booth 2011

  • Rene Jagt, a 37-year-old veteran of the 400-strong Dutch corp, was one of the many UN peacekeepers taken hostage by Mladic's forces.

    The Guardian World News Robert Booth 2011

  • "This is something that is definitely needed," Jagt said.

    Marshall Independent 2008


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