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  • Xia Nai in 1974 noticed that a decorated carnelian bead (shihua rouhong shisuizhu) around the third or second century BCE in Shizhaishan (Jinning County, where the capital of the Dian Kingdom was located) was manmade.

    Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE) 2008

  • In its press repelase, the Jinning police called it an "accident."

    China Digital Times (CDT) 2009

  • At the press conference yesterday afternoon, the Yunnan provincial public security bureau and the Kunming city procuratorate stated: The detainee Li Qiaoming in the Jinning county detention centre had been beaten to death by cell mates.

    China Digital Times (CDT) 2009

  • The announcement yesterday overturned the conclusion previously issued by the Jinning police, which said on February 20 to the netizen investigative team that Li Qiaoming had a fight with others during the "elude the cat" game and hurt his head against the door frame.

    China Digital Times (CDT) 2009


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