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  • Part III, the Resurrection, moved toward affirmation; it opened with soprano Jolle Greenleaf's "I know that my redeemer liveth," a transparent declaration of faith sung with soaring simplicity.

    Tracing the Gospel With Renewed Vigor and Drama Heidi Waleson 2011

  • If Angelina Jolle had not taken the Shamwow from her gift bag and blotted up ink, mon Dieu, I would left be sweeping streets in Marseilles.

    Boing Boing 2009

  • "It looks as if someone's in a helpful mood today," Jolle observed with a broad grin as he returned, setting down a second armful of wood.

    Curse of the Shadowmage Anthony, Mark, 1966- 1995

  • The first red-gold glow of dawn was gilding the kitchen's windows when Jolle, Estah's husband, tramped inside with a load of firewood.

    Curse of the Shadowmage Anthony, Mark, 1966- 1995

  • Then, placing his flute in its leather pouch, he dashed off to the kitchen to help Estah and Jolle with the evening meal.

    Curse of the Shadowmage Anthony, Mark, 1966- 1995

  • With a puff of wintry air, Jolle came in from outside bearing an armful of firewood.

    Curse of the Shadowmage Anthony, Mark, 1966- 1995

  • A storm had gathered over the city, and the failing light forced Jolle to light candles throughout the inn.

    Curse of the Shadowmage Anthony, Mark, 1966- 1995

  • Estah and Jolle went upstairs to put Pog and Nog to bed.

    Curse of the Shadowmage Anthony, Mark, 1966- 1995

  • Soon Jolle had a summer-fattened piglet roasting over a steady fire in the gigantic fireplace.

    Curse of the Shadowmage Anthony, Mark, 1966- 1995

  • Other performances will include poems by Tracy Smith and her literature mentor, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, set to music by soprano Jolle Greenleaf, and "The Music Box," a one-woman show created by Maya Zbib, director Peter Sellars's theater protege. -- Top News 2011


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