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  • A special case among the salons of industrialists’ and bankers’ wives in the Kaiserreich was the Fürstenberg salon.

    Berlin Salons: Late Eighteenth to Early Twentieth Century. 2009

  • The problem throughout the Weimar Republic was that the vast majority of the German population and especially its institutions were ideologically still firmly stuck in the Kaiserreich.

    Matthew Yglesias » The Real German Resistance to Hitler: The Social Democrats 2009

  • The bristling front Germany presented to the world concealed a social and political vacuum; when that front gave way, the Kaiserreich was set to implode.

    How Wars end Gideon Rose 2010

  • Much of the Prussian military aristocracy that had provided the social support for the Kaiserreich was killed off early in the war; as Arthur Rosenberg put it, “the old Bismarckian Germany was destroyed on the battlefield of the Marne.”

    How Wars end Gideon Rose 2010

  • The implosion of the Kaiserreich reduced Germany to the status of an international beggar, allowing the Allies to concentrate on extracting whatever they wanted over the short term.

    How Wars end Gideon Rose 2010

  • The Kaiserreich was not a democracy, but its political institutions did include the ingredients to build one.64 The Reichstag in particular was a true national legislature, elected on the basis of direct, secret, universal male suffrage from the 1870s on; in the early twentieth century its effectiveness was limited almost as much by failures of political will and skill as by the Bismarckian constitution.

    How Wars end Gideon Rose 2010

  • Deutsche und britische Sozialreform und Sozialgesetzgebung im Spiegel ihrer Schriften und ihr Wirken als Sozialpolitikerin im Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik.

    Helene Simon. 2009

  • Ein Sozialist und Zionist im Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik (2002).

    Ludger Heid. Jewish Women's Archive 2006

  • (Leipzig, 1876); FICKER, Das deutsche Kaiserreich in seinen universellen und nationalen Beziehungen (Innsbruck, 1861); VON SYBEL,

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip 1840-1916 1913

  • TER-MKRTTSCHIAN, Die Paulicianer im byzantinischen Kaiserreich und verwandte ketzerische Erscheinungen in Armenien (Liepzig, 1893);

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip 1840-1916 1913


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