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  • Mr. Alva says he drove to the capital, Bangalore, several times to complain to the state's industries minister, Katta Subramanya Naidu.

    Bribes, Bureaucracy Hobble India's New Entrepreneurs Amol Sharma 2011

  • Of these seventy-seven, eight resided in Kabul, seventeen in Tashkurgan, thirty-nine in Bukhara, three in Katta Kurgan, two in Karshi, three in Kolab, one in Charjui, one in Yarkand, and four in Ourganj or Khiva.

    Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier 2008

  • Its basically Equilibrium, just instead of Gun Katta, its Shakespeare.

    Ridley Scott Returning to Sci-Fi After Nottingham! « 2008

  • It's college student Sahas Katta's account of how the data that his Motorola Droid collected via the Google Tracks app helped him convince a judge to dismiss a speeding ticket.

    NPR Topics: News 2011

  • But the key to the judge's decision, Katta concedes, was that the officer couldn't remember when he had last been trained in using a radar gun or when the gun had last been calibrated.

    NPR Topics: News 2011

  • The police officer's radar gun said Katta had been going more than 40 miles per hour in a 25-mph zone.

    NPR Topics: News 2011

  • It's Katta - not the judge - who says "I can't help but imagine that the evidence from the app was an important factor" in the decision.

    NPR Topics: News 2011

  • Basically, Katta was running Google Tracks on his phone when he was pulled over.

    NPR Topics: News 2011

  • Katta's app, however, had recorded a top speed of 26 mph.

    NPR Topics: News 2011

  • The judge, Katta writes, said he was basing his decision on "the lack of evidence on the officer's part."

    NPR Topics: News 2011


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