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  • Education, illumination and a heart of gold, fueled EN to seek balance, to seek justice – and now at long last Kobra is free.

    Why We Are Here (Part V) | Can't Stop the Serenity 2010

  • A MELBOURNE father of two young boys believed to have been abducted by their mother in Sweden claims a taxpayer-funded feminist group called Kobra is involved.

    GayandRight 2009

  • A Melbourne father of two young boys believed to have been abducted by their mother in Sweden claims a taxpayer-funded feminist group called Kobra is involved.

    National Nine News 2009

  • A Melbourne father of two young boys believed to have been abducted by their mother in Sweden claims a taxpayer-funded feminist group called Kobra is involved.

    The Canberra Times 2009

  • A Melbourne father of two young boys believed to have been abducted by their mother in Sweden claims a taxpayer-funded feminist group called Kobra is involved.

    National Nine News 2009

  • A Melbourne father of two young boys believed to have been abducted by their mother in Sweden claims a taxpayer-funded feminist group called Kobra is involved.

    National Nine News 2009

  • A Melbourne father of two young boys believed to have been abducted by their mother in Sweden claims a taxpayer-funded feminist group called Kobra is involved.

    National Nine News 2009

  • A Melbourne father of two young boys believed to have been abducted by their mother in Sweden claims a taxpayer-funded feminist group called Kobra is involved.

    National Nine News 2009

  • A Melbourne father of two young boys believed to have been abducted by their mother in Sweden claims a taxpayer-funded feminist group called Kobra is involved.

    National Nine News 2009

  • In previous issues Checkmate was able to do the impossible: infiltrate the terrorist organization called Kobra, as well as discover what hold Amanda held over Black King’s Knight Beatriz Da Costa, also known as Fire of the Justice League, while engaging Bane in an attempt to control the election process in Santa Prisca.

    Checkmate #13 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News 2009


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