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  • I'm guessing it means shooting himself in the foot with a bullet from a 2mm Kolibri instead of a police issue 45 caliber service pistol.

    Tweaking comments 2009

  • It is a Groma Kolibri, probably made during the Eisenhower or Kennedy administration, and it comes in a nifty leatherette case.

    GUIDOLON and AGOH stint! frankwu 2007

  • For those who value flexibility and freedom over forced convention, I recommend having a look at Kolibri.

    20 Great PHP frameworks for developers 2008

  • Kolibri, one of the city's favorite indie-pop bands, on Friday.

    The St. Petersburg Times 2010

  • Kolibri, one of the city's favorite indie-pop bands, on Friday.

    The St. Petersburg Times 2010


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