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  • Any visitor to Okayama should spend some time in Korakuen, a seven­‑ teenth-century garden that the Japanese, with their fondness for ranking, have classified as one of the top three gardens in the nation.

    The Travel Advisory 2006

  • Any visitor to Okayama should spend some time in Korakuen, a seven­‑ teenth-century garden that the Japanese, with their fondness for ranking, have classified as one of the top three gardens in the nation.

    The Travel Advisory 2006

  • I BELIEVE IT was on that tour that Ultimate Dragon and I did a tag match together at Korakuen Hall right next to the Tokyo Dome.

    REY MYSTERIO BEHIND THE MASK Rey Mysterio with Jeremy Roberts 2009

  • I BELIEVE IT was on that tour that Ultimate Dragon and I did a tag match together at Korakuen Hall right next to the Tokyo Dome.

    REY MYSTERIO BEHIND THE MASK Rey Mysterio with Jeremy Roberts 2009

  • | Koishikawa Korakuen This quintessential Japanese garden, one of the most beautiful oases in town, presents a surreal lesson on how to attain peace amid chaos in Tokyo.

    Traveling Light: Tokyo Mark Robinson 2009

  • I BELIEVE IT was on that tour that Ultimate Dragon and I did a tag match together at Korakuen Hall right next to the Tokyo Dome.

    REY MYSTERIO BEHIND THE MASK Rey Mysterio with Jeremy Roberts 2009

  • The press seats were great for the concert at Korakuen Stadium in Tokyo, home of the Yomiuri Giants, the Yankees of Japanese baseball.

    Jim Impoco: Hurricane Michael 2009

  • Koishikawa Korakuen B unkyo-ku, Koraku 1-chome JR and subway: Iidabashi or Korakuen stations Admission: 300 yen (US$3. 40).

    Traveling Light: Tokyo Mark Robinson 2009

  • Sakai trained with Jaguar Yokota and made her debut on April 20, 1997 with the Yoshimoto Ladies Pro Wrestling promotion, facing her friend Yabushita in the Korakuen Hall in Tokyo.

    Sumie Sakai ~~ Sabre ~~ 2008

  • Closest access: Suidobashi stop on the JR East Chuo-Sobu line, or Korakuen stop on the Marunouchi-Nanboku line.

    Baseball Past, Baseball Future 2008


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