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  • With the encouragement of Gordon, with whom she maintained a regular correspondence over the course of twenty years, the first volume of her Hebrew rendition of the German history book Die Juden und die Kreuzfahrer unter Richard Lowenherz by Eugen Rispart (Isaac Asher Francolm) appeared in 1869 as Ha-Yehudim be-Angliyah.

    Miriam Markel-Mosessohn. 2009

  • Her best known translation is that of the history book by Isaac Asher Francolm (Eugen Rispart), Die Juden und die Kreuzfahrer (1841), under the Hebrew title The Jews in England, or The Jews and the Crusaders (1869).

    Maskilot, Nineteenth Century. 2009

  • Switzerland; Kreuzfahrer for Austria; Sobrietas and Der

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon 1840-1916 1913


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