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  • Michelle Kuttel obtained her degreee in Computer Science and went on to study computational chemistry for her PhD.

    Ada Lovelace Day 09 HayleyM 2009

  • Michelle Kuttel obtained her degreee in Computer Science and went on to study computational chemistry for her PhD.

    Archive 2009-03-01 HayleyM 2009

  • Kuttel said the authorities there were taking statements from three of the crew.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1998

  • "They are looking forward to spending time with their families and all are in fairly good spirits," Kuttel said.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1998

  • 'During the second allocation, we intend allocating participatory rights to 7.9 million shares to existing Khula Trust beneficiaries, as well as new employees who joined the group in the period between January 2007 and May 2010,' Kuttel said.

    IOL: News 2010

  • South African Adrian Kuttel is 37 years old and has been a lifelong sailor which is no surprise as he is the son of Padda Kuttel who owned and skippered 'Atlantic Privateer' in the Whitbread Round the World Race. USA Latest News 2010

  • Kuttel confirmed that he had met the Robben Island executives and that a R2-million payment had been made to Farocean.

    IOL: News 2008

  • The museum's council will now provide Kuttel with a list of the Sikhululekile's alleged defects.

    IOL: News 2008

  • "I don't know what defects there are; (the ferry) hasn't missed a minute," Kuttel said on Sunday.

    IOL: News 2008

  • Kuttel confirmed that he had met the Robben Island executives and that a R2-million payment had been made to Farocean.

    IOL: News 2008


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