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  • "James Coleman: Background, 1991-94" shows the slide installation 'Background' by Irish artist James Coleman (born 1941) as conclusion of a trilogy following "INITIALS" in 2006 and "Lapsus Exposure" in 2007.

    Time Off Europe Calendar 2008

  • A very different affair was the Lapsus Linguae from the Edinburgh University Magazine.

    Lay Morals 2005

  • Lapsus Linguae; or, the College Tatler; and on the 7th the first number appeared.

    Lay Morals 2005

  • John Leslie took up the matter angrily, visited Carfrae the publisher, and threatened him with an action, till he was forced to turn the hapless Lapsus out of doors.

    Lay Morals 2005

  • He was reckless and imprudent: yesterday he insisted on your sharing a bottle of claret with him (and claret was claret then, before the cheap-and-nasty treaty), and tomorrow he asks you for the loan of a penny to buy the last number of the Lapsus.

    Lay Morals 2005

  • In a future number we hope to give a glance at the individualities of the present, and see whether the cast shall be head or tail — whether we or the readers of the Lapsus stand higher in the balance.

    Lay Morals 2005

  • "Lapsus linguae, " Fazackerly said gravely, and was rewarded with instant laughter.

    Sharpe's Trafalgar Cornwell, Bernard, 1944- 2000

  • "Lapsus linguae, " Lord William said, 'means a slip of the tongue.

    Sharpe's Trafalgar Cornwell, Bernard, 1944- 2000

  • 'At this time I received a pamphlet from Auberon Herbert on the title - page of which he had drawn a picture of Gladstone in the fiery pit beckoning me, and I, winged and crowned as an archangel, falling from heaven to him, with the inscription: "Lapsus e coelo; or how C.D. accepted an invitation."'

    The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke, Volume 1 Stephen Lucius Gwynn 1907

  • Nor must the delightful verses by "J.K.S." be forgotten, in which the author of "Lapsus Calami" sings of the "Grand Old Pipe" --

    The Social History of Smoking George Latimer Apperson 1897


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