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  • Der binomische Lehrsatz, und als Folgerung aus ihm der polynomische, und die Reihen, die zur Berechnung der Logarithmen und Exponentialgrössen dienen, genauer als bisher erwiesen, Prague: C.W. Enders; E: “The Binomial Theorem and as a Consequence from it the Polynomial Theorem and the Series which serve for the Calculation of Logarithmic and Exponential Quantities proved more strictly than before”, in Bolzano 2004a, pp. 155 “ 248.

    Slices of Matisse gerard varni 2009

  • "We have _no doctrine different from that of the Romish Church_, (wir haben keinen von der Roemischen Kirche verschiedenen Lehrsatz,) yea, we have restrained many who wished to disseminate pernicious doctrines, as may be proved by public testimonies.

    American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann 1836


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