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  • Für solche Ordnungspolitik hatte der Lehr- und Forschungskanon deutscher Universitäten traditionell einen guten Leumund.

    Petit Dejeuner avec Didier Decoin 2009

  • It was only in this manner that one of the ‘Wissenden,’ or ‘Witan’, could be tried; and the privilege of being exempted from the summary process, or from the effects of the ‘Leumund,’ appears to have been one of the reasons which induced so many of those who did not tread the ‘red earth’ to seek to be included in the Vehmic bond.

    Anne of Geierstein 2008

  • German jurists term the inquisitorial proceeding; it became the duty of the Echevin to denounce the ‘Leumund,’ or manifest evil fame, to the secret tribunal. if the Echevins and the Freygraff were satisfied with the presentment, either from their own knowledge, or from the information of their compeer, the offender was said to be

    Anne of Geierstein 2008

  • He was presumed to be a true man; and if accused upon vehement suspicion, or ‘Leumund,’ the same presumption or evil repute which was fatal to the uninitiated, might be entirely rebutted by the compurgatory oath of the free Echevin.

    Anne of Geierstein 2008

  • Leumund machen; sondern sollen ihn entschuldigen und Gutes von ihm reden, und Alles zum Besten kehren.

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889

  • Wir sollen Gott fuerchten und lieben, dass wir unsern Naechsten nich faelschlich beluegen, verrathen, afterreden, oder boesen Leumund machen; sondern sollen ihn entschuldigen und Gutes von ihm reden, und

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889


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