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  • Then they dissolve the lead coating of the CRT glass in acid and after they extract most of it, they pour the leftover acid and lead mixture directly into rivers like the Lianjiang in Guangdong province.

    Giles Slade: A Drop in the Bucket: American Lead in Chinese Toys 2008

  • This followed other tier two city officials who have been recently netted by Chinese graft-busters, such as Chen Xizhao, deputy chief of police in the Guangdong city of Lianjiang, who was fired after it was reported that he invited 1,000 guests to a Christmas party at his residence.

    The Earth Times Online Newspaper 2010

  • This followed other tier two city officials who have been recently netted by Chinese graft-busters, such as Chen Xizhao, deputy chief of police in the Guangdong city of Lianjiang, who was fired after it was reported that he invited 1,000 guests to a Christmas party at his residence.

    The Earth Times Online Newspaper 2010


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