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  • Liquidize the soup in batches, then return to the pot and add the chopped fresh coriander and the creme fraiche

    Carrot and Corainder Seed Soup Annemarie 2007

  • Liquidize the soup in batches, then return to the pot and add the chopped fresh coriander and the creme fraiche

    Archive 2007-10-01 Annemarie 2007

  • Liquidize the melon, then, with the machine running, pour in the sugar and blend for about 30 seconds.

    Archive 2007-07-01 Brilynn 2007

  • Liquidize the melon, then, with the machine running, pour in the sugar and blend for about 30 seconds.

    A Tale of Two Sorbets Brilynn 2007

  • Befitting an item from the most gadget-oriented country in the world, it is equipped with a row of 10 buttons for functions ranging from "Frappe" to "Liquidize".

    New Zealand Herald - Top Stories 2010

  • Liquidize carrots in a small blender and add breast milk or formula until you have desired consistency.

    Boston Mamas 2009


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