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  • On Wednesday, the normally secretive company gave a tour of the sprawling Longhua plant to a group of journalists, and announced plans to outfit worker dormitories with safety nets to prevent more workers from jumping to their deaths.

    Tech Giants Investigating Foxconn's Steps to Deal With Suicides 2010

  • The company and its affiliates employ some 820,000 workers throughout China, 450,000 of them at the main Longhua plant and nearby satellite facilities.

    Tech Giants Investigating Foxconn's Steps to Deal With Suicides 2010

  • In 2006, Apple sent a team to investigate worker conditions at Longhua after media reports alleged poor treatment of workers who made iPods there.

    Suicides at Hon Hai Draw Scrutiny 2010

  • The recent series of suicides among Hon Hai's Longhua employees has brought scrutiny on the secretive company, which operates under its trade name

    Hon Hai Gives Workers a Raise 2010

  • Job-seekers rest on a pedestrian bridge near the FoxConn Technology Group at Longhua.

    Suicides at Hon Hai Draw Scrutiny 2010

  • A 24-year-old woman died Tuesday after jumping from an apartment building near Hon Hai's massive Longhua plant in the southern city of Shenzhen.

    Suicides at Hon Hai Draw Scrutiny 2010

  • In early June, Hon Hai said it would more than double the minimum monthly wage of some of its workers to 2,000 yuan ($294), following a spate of employee suicides in its Longhua operation in Shenzhen that attracted international attention to the company's treatment of its workers.

    Corporate Watch 2010

  • In early June, Hon Hai said it would more than double the minimum monthly wage of some of its workers to 2,000 yuan ($294), following a spate of employee suicides in its Longhua operation in Shenzhen that attracted international attention to the company's treatment of its workers.

    Hon Hai Evaluating Expansion in China 2010

  • Roughly half of them work at Longhua, a giant campus of factory buildings, dormitories, restaurants and recreational facilities that also has its own hospital and fire station.

    Suicides at Hon Hai Draw Scrutiny 2010

  • Nine employees at Hon Hai's giant Longhua complex in the southern city of Shenzhen have jumped to their deaths this year, most since April, with two more injured in failed attempts.

    Tech Giants Investigating Foxconn's Steps to Deal With Suicides 2010


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