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  • In sculpture, the Northern Wei began to cut cave temples at the Yungang grottoes in northern Shanxi near Datong; after Luoyang became the Northern Wei capital in 495, new caves were cut at nearby Longmen as well.

    420-479 2001

  • Dynasty standing stone Buddha was stolen from the Dongshan area to the east of the Longmen site.

    Off With the Heads 1999

  • This flourishing international market for Buddhist sculpture has resulted in the disappearance of the heads of figures from Longmen, Datong, and other vulnerable major outdoor Buddhist sites in China.

    Off With the Heads 1999

  • Longmen, and it was reported in July 1999 that prison sentences ranging from three to 13 years were handed out by the Luoyang Intermediate Court to the thieves who stole a head from the Northern Song imperial tombs.

    Off With the Heads 1999

  • A 1.2 million metric ton capacity rebar production line, which was also transferred from the Maoming facility to Longmen Joint Venture, has been engaged in trial production beginning in November 2010.

    unknown title 2011

  • The increase in inventories during 2011 was primarily related to the stockpile of raw material inventory in order to utilize increased crude steel capacity at the Longmen Joint Venture and the climbing raw material purchase cost in the first half of 2011.

    unknown title 2011

  • The new equipment installed in conjunction with this agreement added three million metric tons of crude steel production capacity at the Longmen Joint Venture, increasing annual capacity to seven million metric tons.

    unknown title 2011

  • ("Shaanxi Coal") and Shaanxi Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd ("Shaanxi Steel") for the Company's Longmen Joint Venture Operations, pursuant to which Shaanxi Steel constructed two 1,280 cubic meter blast furnaces, two 120 metric ton converters and one 400 square meter sintering machine.

    unknown title 2011

  • The year-over-year increase in cost of sales was primarily related to increased sales and raw material prices, increased depreciation associated with the new equipment at Longmen Joint Venture and sub-optimal operating efficiency on the newly installed equipment.

    unknown title 2011

  • Although our bottom line was negative primarily due to commencement of the operation of new equipment at Longmen Joint Venture and increased operating expenses associated with the overall expansion of our business, we view these as strategic investments that will bear significant fruit over the long-term.

    unknown title 2011


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