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  • To give you a little context, the GSFWC (or its current incarnation at least) was born out of a ten-week (one evening a week) writing class run by Duncan Lunan back in the late 80s/early 90s.

    GSFWC Hal Duncan 2008

  • To give you a little context, the GSFWC (or its current incarnation at least) was born out of a ten-week (one evening a week) writing class run by Duncan Lunan back in the late 80s/early 90s.

    Archive 2008-11-01 Hal Duncan 2008

  • Strangely enough, the number one google position for a search on Fitawrari Lunan (the what's his name) is the Vanguard news network *, the Red Star is fourth.

    Mathematics for Activists 2007

  • For the last part of the drive home we went the coastal way, had a quick walk along the beach at Lunan Bay and then back to Dundee.

    2006 October « Mad Dave and Lil 2006

  • For the last part of the drive home we went the coastal way, had a quick walk along the beach at Lunan Bay and then back to Dundee.

    Birthday weekend (with much mentioning of food) « Mad Dave and Lil 2006

  • Bit of a pity they didn't name-check Duncan Lunan, to whom major credit is due for setting up the GSFWC in the first place along the Milford Rules ... but column inches are expensive things, I guess.

    Read All About It! Hal Duncan 2005

  • Bit of a pity they didn't name-check Duncan Lunan, to whom major credit is due for setting up the GSFWC in the first place along the Milford Rules ... but column inches are expensive things, I guess.

    Archive 2005-03-01 Hal Duncan 2005

  • I was to later submit that very story to a writing competition judged by one Duncan Lunan of the GSFWC, and though I didn't even come close to winning, I got a letter back from Duncan inviting me to join his evening class in SF Writing.

    Archive 2005-04-01 Hal Duncan 2005

  • I was to later submit that very story to a writing competition judged by one Duncan Lunan of the GSFWC, and though I didn't even come close to winning, I got a letter back from Duncan inviting me to join his evening class in SF Writing.

    The Homosexual Agenda Hal Duncan 2005

  • In his earlier years Myln had travelled in Germany, and afterwards became priest of the church of Lunan, in Angus.

    The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) John Knox


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