
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The ISO 3166-1 three-letter (alpha-3) code for the Collectivity of Saint Martin.
  • noun The frequency of the less-common allele at a SNP.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Abbreviation of minor allele frequency


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  • Im looking for a piece for my volkswagon golf called a MAF sensor adaptor.

    Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions 2009

  • Product Development Manager, Richard Potton explains that the name InterACT indicates close interaction between all the Port's customers including shipping lines, cargo owners, freight forwarders, transport companies, rail and government agencies such as MAF and NZ Customs.

    NZ On Screen 2010

  • The development of the KODIAK 100 grew from the need for a new kind of aircraft to better serve missionary agencies, such as MAF, that minister in remote areas, as well as humanitarian groups and backcountry commercial flight operators.

    Mission Network News Headlines 2009

  • Tim Vennell, MAF Operations Director for Kenya and South Sudan, said his organization has increased its capacity in the form of additional aircraft to respond to the humanitarian needs in the Horn of Africa.

    MAF Helps with Horn of Africa Famine Relief 2011

  • He said MAF pilots have been unable to fly into Somalia due to security concerns created by the militant group al-Shababa.

    MAF Helps with Horn of Africa Famine Relief 2011

  • He said MAF is also working with over 150 partners in south Sudan after that country recently gained its independence.

    MAF Helps with Horn of Africa Famine Relief 2011

  • One of the Good Samaritan organizations that is helping with relief in the drought-stricken Horn of Africa is Mission Aviation Fellowship MAF.

    MAF Helps with Horn of Africa Famine Relief 2011

  • Vennell said MAF charges a reduced fee to agencies for its services.

    MAF Helps with Horn of Africa Famine Relief 2011

  • Tim Vennell, operations director in Kenya says MAF has increased its capacity to respond to the humanitarian needs in the Horn of Africa The U.N. World Food Program announced Monday that it will begin an airlift of food aid into parts of Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya on Tuesday.

    MAF Helps with Horn of Africa Famine Relief 2011

  • We ask for a subsidized rate because MAF is supported and the fact that our pilots and our international staff come supported into the organization, we are able to pass on reduced rates to NGOs, Vennell said.

    MAF Helps with Horn of Africa Famine Relief 2011


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