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  • Haass negotiates the knotty music-box-like Menuett with technique to spare and a strong sense of the Mahler irony.

    Audiophile Audition Headlines 2010

  • Haass negotiates the knotty music-box-like Menuett with technique to spare and a strong sense of the Mahler irony.

    Audiophile Audition Headlines 2010

  • Menuett and Trio enjoys a limber expressivity, often hinting at figures from an Austrian laendler.

    Audiophile Audition Headlines 2009

  • MAHLER/REINECKE/GRIEG: Their 1905-1906 Welte Mignon Interpretations = MAHLER: "Ging heut morgen uebers Feld"; "Ich ging mit Lust"; Fifth Symphony: First Movement in C-sharp Minor; Symphony No. 4: Fourth Movement; Menuett from Symphony No 3 and Bell-Chorus from Symphony No. 3 played by Hans Haass; SCHUMANN: Warum, Op.

    Audiophile Audition Headlines 2010

  • MAHLER/REINECKE/GRIEG: Their 1905-1906 Welte Mignon Interpretations = MAHLER: "Ging heut morgen uebers Feld"; "Ich ging mit Lust"; Fifth Symphony: First Movement in C-sharp Minor; Symphony No. 4: Fourth Movement; Menuett from Symphony No 3 and Bell-Chorus from Symphony No. 3 played by Hans Haass; SCHUMANN: Warum, Op.

    Audiophile Audition Headlines 2010

  • Ouverture (Suite) I En Ut Majeur, BWV 1066: Menuett I alternativement - Menuett II

    VeryCD - 电驴资源订阅 2008

  • Ouverture (Suite) II En Si Mineur, BWV 1067: Menuett

    VeryCD - 电驴资源订阅 2008

  • Ouverture (Suite) I En Ut Majeur, BWV 1066: Menuett I alternativement - Menuett II

    VeryCD - 电驴资源订阅 2008

  • Ouverture (Suite) IV En Re Majeur, BWV 1069: Menuett I alternativement - Menuett II

    VeryCD - 电驴资源订阅 2008

  • Ouverture (Suite) I En Ut Majeur, BWV 1066: Menuett I alternativement - Menuett II

    VeryCD - 电驴资源订阅 2008


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