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  • The Porsche spokesman said the company doesn't agree with the worker-representative criticism and that Mr. Wiedeking supports Mitbestimmung.

    In Germany, Scandals 2008

  • The occupying military authorities in Germany after World War II, interested in ensuring that resurgent German industry could not again be exploited for military purposes or for the subversion of democratic government, passed a law prescribing Mitbestimmung—the representation of workers on a firm’s supervisory board.

    The Bass Handbook of Leadership Bernard M. Bass 2008

  • The occupying military authorities in Germany after World War II, interested in ensuring that resurgent German industry could not again be exploited for military purposes or for the subversion of democratic government, passed a law prescribing Mitbestimmung—the representation of workers on a firm’s supervisory board.

    The Bass Handbook of Leadership Bernard M. Bass 2008

  • Mitbestimmung) and supported the Bullock report (1975), against the opposition of many on the left.

    The Guardian World News 2009

  • Mitbestimmung) and supported the Bullock report (1975), against the opposition of many on the left.

    Books news, reviews and author interviews | Donald Sassoon 2009


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