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  • In 1989 she published a book entitled Emissaries in Wartime London, which included articles she had written for Mitteilungsblatt on Youth Aliyah during World War II and an essay by Dolf Michaelis on his work during the war.

    Eva Michaelis Stern. 2009

  • Eva Michaelis Stern was a frequent contributor to the German-language periodical Mitteilungsblatt, published in Israel, and to other periodicals published in Israel and abroad.

    Eva Michaelis Stern. 2009

  • MB-Mitteilungsblatt des Irgun Olej Merkas Europa, (July 25, 1975): 4.

    Recha Freier. 2009

  • MB-Mitteilungsblatt des Irgun Olej Merkas Europa, 7.7.1961, p. 7.

    Ottilie Sch��newald. 2009

  • There he created the monthly Mitteilungsblatt [Information Sheet], which appeared first on January 1, 1920, and became a regular contributor to Monisten Monatsheften [Monists 'Monthly], using the pseudonym «Thomas Murner»1.

    Carl von Ossietzky - Biography 1935

  • WIZO in Israel, No. 64, Tel Aviv: May 1955; Mitteilungsblatt des Irgun Olej Merkaz Europa, Tel Aviv: 13.5.1955; Sternberger, Ilse.

    Erna Patak. 2009

  • Some of them were published e.g. in the Mitteilungsblatt of the Jewish Women’s Union, the Allgemeine

    Jeanette Wolff. 2009


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