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  • MOOS (on camera): Now as someone with the last name Moos, way too often mispronounced moose, I think I have a right to speak for the animals.

    CNN Transcript Sep 10, 2008 2008

  • (DOG BARKING) (on camera): As someone with the last name "Moos," way too often mispronounced "moose," I think I have the right to speak for the animals.

    CNN Transcript Sep 11, 2008 2008

  • But though his post -- the first for his new site, -- is understated, it is nevertheless devastating in its portrayal of how his editor, Julie Moos, tried to conflate his aggregation practices into a scandal over Romenesko's supposed lack of ethics.

    Dan Kennedy: Romenesko Speaks Dan Kennedy 2011

  • The charge came in an article written by Julie Moos, the director of Poynter Online, who said Romenesko's "imperfect attribution" had failed to meet "the highest standards of journalism excellence" that the site works hard to adhere to.

    Jim Romenesko Quits Poynter After Controversy Over Attribution The Huffington Post News Editors 2011

  • In August, Romenesko announced he would go into "semi-retirement" a term he now says was urged on him by Moos and launch his own site for longer-form media criticism.

    Dan Kennedy: Romenesko Speaks Dan Kennedy 2011

  • There are good people at Poynter Moos among them, no doubt, and I plan to read their work and Romenesko's.

    Dan Kennedy: Romenesko Speaks Dan Kennedy 2011

  • As Poynter's Julie Moos notes, the week of the verdict, Anthony was the top media story, surpassing President Obama, the debt crisis, the death of Betty Ford, the NOTW shutdown, and everything else.

    Arianna Huffington: From DSK to BSkyB: Media Takeaways From the Latest Round of Scandals Arianna Huffington 2011

  • Now, though, it's clear that tensions had been building between him and Moos for months, especially when she learned that he was planning to sell advertising on his new site.

    Dan Kennedy: Romenesko Speaks Dan Kennedy 2011

  • Washington State University, whose athletics program has been in the red for the past three years, will earn around $14.5 million a year from the new Pac-12 deal next year, up from the roughly $2.7 million in TV rights it took in last year, says athletics director Bill Moos .

    TV Cash Tilts College Playing Field Jessica E. Vascellaro 2011

  • Moos wrote a long piece for -- yes, Romenesko+ -- informing readers that in response to an inquiry from the Columbia Journalism Review, she had discovered that Romenesko sometimes quoted from material he was excerpting without attributing it properly.

    Dan Kennedy: Romenesko Speaks Dan Kennedy 2011


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