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  • (She had loved the city, as had Victor, but said that her heart had hardened after the murder of little Muschel.)

    Survivor 2004

  • In one of his entries about the death of the cat, for example, he confesses that he resents his wife's giving a lavish piece of veal (the meat ration for some days) to the condemned Muschel as a farewell treat.

    Survivor 2004

  • We have so often said to each other: The tomcat's raised tail is our flag, we shall not strike it … and at the victory celebrations Muschel will get a "schnitzel from Kamm's" (the fanciest butcher here) …

    Survivor 2004

  • In one of his entries about the death of the cat, for example, he confesses that he resents his wife's giving a lavish piece of veal (the meat ration for some days) to the condemned Muschel as a farewell treat.

    Survivor 2004

  • We have so often said to each other: The tomcat's raised tail is our flag, we shall not strike it … and at the victory celebrations Muschel will get a "schnitzel from Kamm's" (the fanciest butcher here) …

    Survivor 2004

  • (She had loved the city, as had Victor, but said that her heart had hardened after the murder of little Muschel.)

    Survivor 2004

  • Academy_.] [295: K. Tümpel, "Die 'Muschel der Aphrodite,'" _Philologus, Zeitschrift für das Classische Alterthum_, Bd. 51, 1892, p. 385: compare also, with reference to the "Muschel der Aphrodite," O. Jahn, _SB.d. k.

    The Evolution of the Dragon G. Elliot Smith


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