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  • This point is known as Nanshan, and its commanding position is such that an army holding it blocks all access to the Kwangtung peninsula.

    A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era Dairoku Kikuchi 1886

  • These cubs, named Hua'ao and Qingfeng, were transferred to a nature reserve at Nanshan Park in Yantai, Shandong Province, China, from the Wolong Nature Reserve in Sichuan province in May: Visit NTDTV's YouTube channel video link.

    Pandamonium! [videos] | @GrrlScientist 2011

  • Jiang Wenyao/Xinhua/ A tourist, aided by rescuers, walked through a scenic spot in Nanshan Mountain, China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on Monday.

    Asia in Pictures 2011

  • Toyota's plant in Nanshan near southern Guangzhou, which represents about half of its total capacity in China, remained shut after the strike forced the world's biggest automaker to suspend production a day earlier.

    China Strikes Halt Toyota, Honda Plants 2010

  • A short distance down the road was the Nanshan military airport.

    When a Billion Chinese Jump Jonathan Watts 2010

  • A short distance down the road was the Nanshan military airport.

    When a Billion Chinese Jump Jonathan Watts 2010

  • A short distance down the road was the Nanshan military airport.

    When a Billion Chinese Jump Jonathan Watts 2010

  • Each vessel had orders to keep 400 yards behind the preceding one, and as there were nine vessels, including the two transports and colliers Nanshan and Zafiro, in the American fleet, the line was nearly a mile and three-quarters long, and at the rate of steaming it was perhaps three-quarters of an hour from the time the Olympia came within range of the shore batteries until the two transports were safely inside the harbor.

    Our War with Spain for Cuba's Freedom Trumbull White 1904

  • Nanshan and Zafiro played in behind the heavy line like the backs of a football team.

    Our War with Spain for Cuba's Freedom Trumbull White 1904

  • She was to lie well outside, that is, to the west of the fighting line, and protect the two cargo ships, Nanshan and Zafiro.

    Our War with Spain for Cuba's Freedom Trumbull White 1904


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