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  • The troops fighting on the split of land called the Frische Nehrung were squeezed together more and more.

    Panzer Aces Kurowski, Franz 1992

  • After the city fell, the tanks of the 4th Panzer Division fought on on the Frische Nehrung.

    Panzer Aces Kurowski, Franz 1992

  • Bix was given the job of fighting delaying actions back to Position 6 with the company's last four tanks, providing cover until the last civilians and soldiers had evacuated the Frische Nehrung via Hela.

    Panzer Aces Kurowski, Franz 1992

  • While Thienemann did not quite know what to do with this awkward youth, the photographer Rudy Steinert and his wife Lucy took me along on their walks along the uniquely rich shores and dunes of the Kurische Nehrung, where I saw the massive autumn migration of birds, the wild Moose, and the famous

    Nikolaas Tinbergen - Autobiography 1974

  • The Frische Nehrung is separated from the mainland by the Frische Haff, and there is but a narrow strip of arable land along its eastern borders.

    Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 05 (historical) 1874

  • The Frische Nehrung is separated from the mainland by the Frische Haff, and there is but a narrow strip of arable land along its eastern borders.

    The Earth as Modified by Human Action George P. Marsh 1841

  • Nehrung, on the coast of Prussia, were formerly wooded down to the water's edge, and it was only in the last century that, in consequence of the destruction of their forests, they became moving sands.

    The Earth as Modified by Human Action George P. Marsh 1841

  • The sand-hills of the Frische Nehrung, on the coast of Prussia, were formerly wooded down to the water's edge, and it was only in the last century that, in consequence of the destruction of their forests, they became moving sands. [

    Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 05 (historical) 1874


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