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  • Yet all this does not settle the matter, for "Numeri" is also used in the sense merely of "parts".

    Bacon is Shake-Speare Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence 1875

  • Thus far was written and in print when the writer's attention was called to the Rev. George O Neill's little brochure, "Could Bacon have written the plays?" in which in a note to page 14 we find "Numeri" in

    Bacon is Shake-Speare Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence 1875

  • At the time of “N Is for Ninja,” of the five tracks made available for download, the Numeri was at the bottom of the list.

    Disquiet » Coastal MP3 2003

  • -- Nostris ( "To Our" -- with a plural) or Numeri ( "Numbers")

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize 1840-1916 1913

  • Numeri, while the other names retained their form.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip 1840-1916 1913

  • POSTQVAM est mortem aptus Plautus, Comoedia luget, scaena est deserta, dein Risus Ludus Iocusque et Numeri innumeri simul omnes conlacrumarunt.

    His Own Epitaph Plautus 1912

  • He giveth also debonairty and sweetness for to support and mollify the judgment, as it is said, Numeri xi.

    The Golden Legend, vol. 1 1230-1298 1900

  • The Numeri file is not electronica, in the most banal sense of the word, but it’s both enjoyable and informative to hear specific elements of Davis’ electric work — the light drum figures, which have a centering purpose akin to a film’s voiceover narrative; the ephemeral string parts, which evaporate like cotton candy — echoed by a largely acoustic ensemble.

    Disquiet » Coastal MP3 2003

  • Scaena est deserta, ac dein Risus, Ludus Iocusque, et Numeri innumeri simul omnes conlacrimarunt. "'

    The Student's Companion to Latin Authors Thomas Ross Mills

  • (Venice, 1551); "Trattato Generale di Numeri e Misure" (Venice, 2 pts. in 1556, 4 pts. in 1560); "Trattato di aritmetica" (Venice,

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon 1840-1916 1913


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