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  • Here was situate a large town, called Opis; near which an illegitimate brother of Cyrus and Artaxerxes, who was leading a numerous army from Susa and Ecbatana, with the intention of assisting the king, met the Greeks, and, ordering his troops to halt, took a view of the Greeks as they passed by.

    The First Four Books of Xenophon's Anabasis 431 BC-350? BC Xenophon 1844

  • I have taken notice that towers of this sort were the repositories of much treasure; and they were often consecrated to the Ophite Deity, called Opis and Oupis.

    A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume II. (of VI.) Jacob Bryant 1759

  • He had traveled north from Susa up the Tigris to the town of Opis to supervise the removal of dams the Persians had constructed on the river to hinder any naval force invading Mesopotamia from the south.

    Alexander the Great Philip Freeman 2011

  • He summoned his Macedonian troops to him at Opis and announced that he was sending away all who were unfit for further service due to age or injuries.

    Alexander the Great Philip Freeman 2011

  • He had traveled north from Susa up the Tigris to the town of Opis to supervise the removal of dams the Persians had constructed on the river to hinder any naval force invading Mesopotamia from the south.

    Alexander the Great Philip Freeman 2011

  • He had traveled north from Susa up the Tigris to the town of Opis to supervise the removal of dams the Persians had constructed on the river to hinder any naval force invading Mesopotamia from the south.

    Alexander the Great Philip Freeman 2011

  • He summoned his Macedonian troops to him at Opis and announced that he was sending away all who were unfit for further service due to age or injuries.

    Alexander the Great Philip Freeman 2011

  • He summoned his Macedonian troops to him at Opis and announced that he was sending away all who were unfit for further service due to age or injuries.

    Alexander the Great Philip Freeman 2011

  • Opis, close to which the Hellenes were encountered by the natural brother of Cyrus and Artaxerxes, who was leading a large army from

    Anabasis 2007

  • The maidens, I say, have this honour paid them by the dwellers in Delos: and the same people say that Arge and Opis also, being maidens, came to Delos, passing from the Hyperboreans by the same nations which have been mentioned, even before Hyperoche and Laodike.

    The History of Herodotus Herodotus 2003


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