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  • Aldus Manutius the younger explained the markings in a book called Orthographie ratio ( "System of Orthography").

    VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 2 1983

  • I have other language-related books which will be going up on the site once I've scanned them, including William Bullokar's 1585 translation of Æsop's Fables written in his phonetic "New Orthographie". THE BRITISH TONG. 2004

  • We may still wonder and find fault with our Orthographie (or rather Cacographie in deed).

    Ephems of BLB 2009

  • _Hume’s Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue_, ab. 1617, ed.H.  B.

    Early English Meals and Manners Frederick James Furnivall 1867

  • Sykes (at press); Prof. Jespersen’s editions of John Hart’s _Orthographie_ (MS.

    Early English Meals and Manners Frederick James Furnivall 1867


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