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  • One's prior expectations to the contrary, only a few of the paintings assembled at Gagosian are outright failures, and only a small handful can be termed daubs ” alas the only word befitting a pair of weak profiles entitled Le peintre au XVIIème siècle and Peintre au visage vert, both of 1967.

    The Late Show Filler, Martin 2009

  • "Gosse de Peintre -- Beat Takeshi Kitano" displays paintings and videos alongside abstract objects and fantasy machines created by the Japanese comedian, actor and artist.

    Time Off: Europe 2010

  • "Gosse de Peintre -- Beat Takeshi Kitano" displays paintings and videos alongside abstract objects and fantasy machines created by the Japanese comedian, actor and artist.

    Time Off: Europe 2010

  • The latest is "The American Livre de Peintre," open to the public through May 15.

    Making Book The Hard Way 2008

  • Note 30: Johann Heinrich Lambert, "Mémoire sur la Partie Photometrique de l'Art du Peintre," Mémoires de l'Académie royale de Berlin 1768 (Berlin, 1770), 80 – 108. back

    The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe 2006

  • Physicien, Anatomiste, Peintre, Graveur, ses ouvrages, dans tous ces genres, prouvent que la dextérité des mains sert avec avantage le génie, & qu'ils peuvent s'associer dans me même individu.

    The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe 2006

  • Les Souscripteurs de l'In Folio de l'Art du Peintre, Doreur, Vernisseur ...

    The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe 2006

  • Paul Bourget's brilliant novelette, "La Dame qui a perdu son Peintre."

    The Collectors Frank Jewett Mather

  • I believe the conjecture originated with Bartsch, in his _Peintre

    Notes and Queries, Number 44, August 31, 1850 Various

  • "_Au revoir_, M'sieur le Peintre, _et bon voyage_, and remember, 'Ask, and it shall be given, seek and you shall find,'" and with these cryptic words, he stood with uplifted hands, a smile irradiating his fine ascetic face glowing like that of a saint.

    Vanished towers and chimes of Flanders George Wharton Edwards 1904


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