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  • The official history of the South-West campaign remains to be written, of course; in the meantime I am convinced that the actions on the twenty-one mile Pforte-Jakalswater-Riet front were practically the deciding factors of the campaign.

    With Botha in the Field Eric Moore Ritchie

  • The enemy had taken up an extremely strong position on the edge of the desert proper, on the front indicated on the general diagram of the campaign marked Pforte-Jakalswater-Riet.

    With Botha in the Field Eric Moore Ritchie

  • Our casualties in the actions on the Pforte-Jakalswater-Riet front were fifteen killed, thirty-nine wounded and forty-two missing.

    With Botha in the Field Eric Moore Ritchie

  • The actions at the Jakalswater and Pforte fronts, to fight which the columns had swept away to our left the night before, were equally successful.

    With Botha in the Field Eric Moore Ritchie

  • Pforte-Jakalswater-Riet front on this day was conceivably the most important move of the campaign.

    With Botha in the Field Eric Moore Ritchie

  • CORSSEN, Altertümer und Kunstdenkmäle des Cistercienserklosters St. Marien und der Landesschule zur Pforte (Halle, 1868); BOEHME, Pforte in seiner kulturgeschichtlichen Bedeutung während des 12. und 13.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip 1840-1916 1913

  • The opening bars, which the Master designated, "_So pocht das Schicksal an die Pforte_," lured his every power of concentration.

    Fate Knocks at the Door A Novel Will Levington Comfort 1905

  • Beethoven himself marked it _So pocht das Schicksal an die Pforte_.

    Critical and Historical Essays Lectures delivered at Columbia University Edward MacDowell 1884

  • "I have read how he said 'So pocht das Schicksal auf die Pforte.'

    King Midas: a Romance Upton Sinclair 1923

  • Shicksal an die Pforte "(" Thus Fate Knocks at the Door "); and between that opening knock, and the tremendous rush and sweep of the Finale, the emotions which come into play in the great conflicts of life are depicted.

    Fate Knocks at the Door A Novel Will Levington Comfort 1905


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