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  • Donovan pushed the CIA station to supply Phao more weapons for his police and had it assign bodyguards to protect King Phumiphon.

    Wild Bill Donovan Douglas Waller 2011

  • Phao, the charming yet cunning police chief, controlled the opium trade.

    Wild Bill Donovan Douglas Waller 2011

  • He lobbied Phao to commit his secret police to the Saigon government fighting the Viet Minh and pressed the CIA station chief in Bangkok to step up supply flights into Vietnam.

    Wild Bill Donovan Douglas Waller 2011

  • He lobbied Phao to commit his secret police to the Saigon government fighting the Viet Minh and pressed the CIA station chief in Bangkok to step up supply flights into Vietnam.

    Wild Bill Donovan Douglas Waller 2011

  • Donovan pushed the CIA station to supply Phao more weapons for his police and had it assign bodyguards to protect King Phumiphon.

    Wild Bill Donovan Douglas Waller 2011

  • The Nui Phao mine is in the Thai Nguyen province, located to the north of Hanoi.

    Financial Briefing Book: Jan. 24 2011

  • The Nui Phao mine, which is owned and operated by a unit of listed Vietnamese conglomerate Masan Group, is in Thai Nguyen province, located to the north of Hanoi.

    Business Watch 2011

  • It was the first of a series of coups in Thailand that included Pridi's violent attempt to return in 1948, another coup in 1951 and yet another in 1957 led by Army Gen. Sarit, that sent Gen. Phao, the CIA-supported police chief, abroad.

    A Silken Web Of Intrigue 2011

  • The Nui Phao mine is in the Thai Nguyen province, located to the north of Hanoi.

    Mount Kellett Invests $100 Million in Vietnamese Mine Project Alison Tudor 2011

  • Phao, the charming yet cunning police chief, controlled the opium trade.

    Wild Bill Donovan Douglas Waller 2011


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