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  • The term ‘Photographie’ was first coined in 1832 by the French-Brazilian inventor, Hercules Florence, who had created a technique for capturing images using a process involving silver, iodine, mercury and salt.

    Hercules Photo | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles 2009

  • Milk Photographie Pangaea's main room features a 20,000-glass-bulb ceiling.

    After Hours in Singapore 2011

  • Milk Photographie A 'Family Outing' poster "Family Outing" is about homosexuality.

    Theater Reflects Singapore's Current State Jason Chow 2011

  • Hughes Dubois Photographie/Collection of Tom Pritzker Tom Pritzker, chairman of Hyatt Hotels Corp., and his wife Margot have built one of the world's best private collections of ancient art from Tibet, including this 13th century Tibetan "thangka" painting of Marpa, an 11th century teacher credited with spreading Buddhism from India to Tibet.

    Inside Some of the World's Top Art Collections 2011

  • This year's festival, Les Rencontres d'Arles Photographie, runs Monday through Sept. 18 and is expected to draw more than 73,000 people, including the artist Joachim Schmid, who works with found photos, the Magnum Photos veteran Martin Parr and major collectors like Artur Walther.

    Photographers Shoot for Arles 2011

  • His work has been exhibited internationally, including at Forma International Center for Photography, Milan, Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles, and Maison Europeenne de la Photographie, Paris.

    Evelyne Politanoff: Paolo Ventura's Amazing Miniature Sets Evelyne Politanoff 2011

  • His work has been exhibited internationally, including at Forma International Center for Photography, Milan, Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles, and Maison Europeenne de la Photographie, Paris.

    Evelyne Politanoff: Paolo Ventura's Amazing Miniature Sets Evelyne Politanoff 2011

  • "What we see here, is Chinese photography inventing itself," says Francois Hebel, director of Les Rencontres D'Arles Photographie, as the prominent French festival is known.

    Beijing's Boom in Pictures Ron Gluckman 2011

  • His work has been exhibited internationally, including at Forma International Center for Photography, Milan, Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles, and Maison Europeenne de la Photographie, Paris.

    Evelyne Politanoff: Paolo Ventura's Amazing Miniature Sets Evelyne Politanoff 2011

  • Hughes Dubois Photographie/Collection of Tom Pritzker Mr. Pritker's grasp of Tibetan and Indian art is so extensive, he also serves as an adjunct professor at China's Sichuan University.

    Inside Some of the World's Top Art Collections 2011


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